Exclusive Black Friday Offer On This Page Only:
Save 75% On My Most Popular Program This November

Save Up To £300 / $432 This Black Friday When You Unlock

The Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme

The #1 CPD Accredited, Trauma-Informed, Cognitive & Somatic Therapy and Coaching Programme

One Incredible Offer Provides The Incentive You Need To Start Your Self-Healing Journey Now:

Unlock a 12-step, deep healing programme developed to accelerate your healing after narcissistic abuse and help you transform your post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth.


Get FREE exclusive access to a private Facebook community empowering you to heal and THRIVE after narcissistic abuse!

Featured In:

Narcissistic Abuse Is Trauma,
And Time Doesn’t Heal Trauma.

Many women, like myself, who have faced narcissistic abuse feel like no one truly believes them.

They feel isolated and abandoned as they struggle to trust again and get on with their lives.

Those same women go on to develop conditions like complex PTSD, anxiety, and depression. They lose all sense of self-worth and begin to internalize the stress and trauma in their body, which leads to a whole world of life-altering physical and mental symptoms.

These women continue on, making the best of their circumstances, but feel like each day, they’ve just taken 10 steps backwards.

They look at themselves in the mirror before bed and feel like a different person, completely unworthy and unlovable, and the next morning, they wake up feeling even more anxious and angry, wishing they could stay in bed all day and cry.

They feel filled with SHAME.

Does this sound familiar to you?

What Is The Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Program?

The Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme is a CPD-accredited, self-paced online programme that uses intentional cognitive and somatic deep healing techniques to heal the brain, mind, and body from the root cause of trauma at a nervous system level.

It includes my 12 Trauma-Informed Steps, PLUS lifetime access to my BONUS healing Facebook group empowering survivors of narcissistic abuse to thrive rather than simply survive.

An Overview Of The Programme

12 drip-fed Action Labs covering a unique integration of somatic and cognitive techniques, including:

You’ll also have lifetime access to these action labs, workbooks, and recordings to guide your healing at your own pace.

An Overview Of The Membership

A safe space to be yourself and express your emotions with zero fear of judgment. We have a supportive community that sees you, hears you, and, most importantly, believes you. Plus:

Just Imagine…

Imagine being the best version of you.

The Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme Covers…

Healing The Fragmented Self

Using Flash EMDR to process without thinking of the traumatic event so you can remember past events rather than relive them. You can timestamp the memories into the past rather than allowing them to trigger you in the present.

Releasing Immediate Pain & Abandonment

Attachment-focused EMDR resources and polyvagal exercises allow you to minimize activation and nurture feelings of more peace, calm, and safety so you can regulate yourself and learn to trust your behaviors.

Your Autonomic Nervous System Profile Map

Using polyvagal theory to profile your own nervous system and gain a deeper understanding of your body. Getting to the root of what triggers you to feel danger and what helps you to feel safe and connected.

Forgiving Yourself & Releasing Toxic Shame

Insight into positive psychology interventions will allow you to identify toxic beliefs, forgive yourself, and release any anger, shame, and guilt you are feeling about your life.

The Parts Of You That Are Preventing Your Healing

Using Internal Family Systems, an evidence-based parts therapy, to identify what parts of yourself are preventing you from healing.

Controlling Your Environment For Deep Healing & Safety

Teaching you how to create and foster an environment conducive to accelerated healing. One that allows you to release the addiction and trauma bond you have to your narcissist once and for all.

Releasing Pain Stored In The Body

Brainspotting is a deeply powerful, rapid transformational therapy that teaches you how to reframe lifelong belief systems about your self-worth and purpose.

With brainspotting, you can work on the pain caused by a lifetime of stored trauma and excess cortisol from constantly being in a state of fight, flight, or freeze.

Upgrading Your Inner Child & Re-parenting Yourself

Your attachment in childhood and perception of events played a huge part in why you ended up with a narcissist. Your SELF-worthiness wound will have come from interpreting events as being because of you as opposed to having happened to you. Using Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), you can upgrade your inner child into your world today as the adult self and re-parent her. Giving her what she didn’t receive or learn as a child.

Healing Your SELF Worthiness Wound

Understanding where the negative beliefs of “I am not good enough, I am not worthy, I am not loveable, and I am not important” come from and helping you release that shame and guilt so you can start living in the present as your true self.

Becoming Your Best True Self

Learning to focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t has a deeply transformative effect on what you manifest into your life. The goal is to live a life as close to your true self as possible. Feeling joy, love, and connection at a deep level because it is your birthright.

I’ve Designed Every Element Of This Programme To Help You:

Think AND Feel Safe & Worthy

Trauma is a mind, brain, and body experience. Many trauma recovery courses only access 10% of the brain, whereas the Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme accesses the other 90% – the places where your trauma has become stuck. To heal here, we use powerful EMDR & Brainspotting sessions along with deep brain-body-based somatic therapies to process and unlock trauma.

Learn Without Overwhelm

The entire curriculum, action labs, and workbooks are accessible 24/7 so that you can watch and rewatch at your own pace and learn in a way that suits you.

Lifetime access to my membership also means you can ask questions at any stage, and our community can respond in real time. You never have to feel alone on this journey.

Familiarize Yourself With YOU

Internal Family Systems, an evidence-based parts therapy, helps you to understand sub-personalities and identify which parts of you are preventing you from moving forward. A skill that you can use within this programme and beyond.

Understand Your Brain & Body’s Responses

This programme brings together cutting-edge neuroscience at the nervous system level. Through a polyvagal, trauma-informed lens, you can finally understand why you react the way that you do. This has a huge ripple effect on the rest of your life, helping you to release guilt and shame.

I’ve Designed Every Element Of This Programme To Help You:

My CPD Accredited programme will give you a deeper understanding of why you were a magnet to a narcissist, knowledge about what’s happening in your brain, mind, and body each day, and how you can truly, deeply heal from your trauma.

As you progress through the programme, you’ll regain excitement about your life, find renewed purpose, learn how to take back control, and be confident on a deep, cellular level that you are enough.

My Black Friday Offer, Just For You:

Unlock lifetime access to a lifetime of transformation and support for 75% off the usual price…

PLUS: Get lifetime access to an additional $500 of bonuses if you purchase now:

Hurry! Complete Your Order Before The Timer Expires:


Usual Price: £397 / $549

Black Friday Offer Price:
£97 / $117


Usual Price: £97 x 6 / $133 x 6

Black Friday Offer Price:
£33 x 6 / $39 x 6

I can personally 100% guarantee you will have the information you need to start your journey to heal the trauma of narcissistic abuse.

With just a few clicks, you can get a LIFETIME of access, support, power, and purpose!

Why Am I Offering One Of My Most Popular Programmes At Such A Low Price This Black Friday?

Let me be totally upfront with you.

At this time of year, it’s so easy to get caught up in the shopping frenzy as retailers slash their prices (or, in many cases, pretend to slash them…)

It’s very easy to be tempted by offers on things that you know you don’t need, things like TVs, mobile phones and so on…

So, I thought I’d offer an alternative:

A chance to escape the frenzy and ‘treat yourself’ in an entirely different kind of way – getting the healing that you need and deserve.

Although there’s never a perfect time to heal, this special offer presents the push you need to start your self-healing journey NOW.

Don’t start 2024 repeating the same addictive, deep-rooted patterns you’re so used to.

Find the courage to take your first step…

…and you’ll get all of the resources, support, and guidance that you need while saving big at the same time!

Is This Programme Right For You?

The Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme Is Right For You If:

You are on this earth to live your life, not just to exist and hope that you may feel better one day. Make today your day one.

See What Some Of My Students Have To Say

“Caroline Is Like A Surrogate Mother With A Comforting And Caring Spirit”

“Caroline is great, and the programme was phenomenal! Caroline is like a surrogate mother. I could feel her comforting and caring spirit. The lessons in the school were all connected and were organized the way they were meant to be. I’ve been working on myself for a while, but I knew there was a missing puzzle piece that was missing…which was having a true, heart-centered connection with my inner child. Caroline’s programme helped me to have this and more. In the future, I still plan to continue my learning with Caroline’s recovery courses.”



“Honestly The Best Thing I Have Ever Taken Part In”

“This is honestly the best thing I have ever taken part in. I never imagined for one second actually how much would be involved in this course. It’s like nothing I have ever seen or done before, and I had been in the mental health system for a long, long time, and I certainly won’t be going back there thanks to this programme. I’ve made more progress in these 12 weeks than I had In 10 years before!! The content is totally mind-blowing! Caroline is so awesome and really cares for every single one of us with all of her heart. I haven’t just gained my power back, but I’ve also gained family!”



“My Understanding Of Myself, My Experiences And Trauma Grew Tenfold”

“This programme has helped me to look at parts of myself that I didn’t know existed and were holding me back in my recovery. After escaping a marriage filled with violence and manipulations, I was left with complex post-traumatic stress disorder. I saw a psychologist locally to me but never really found a way to move past the trauma until I found Caroline and this programme. I worked through the self-paced learning, and week to week, my understanding of myself, my experiences, and my trauma grew tenfold. I gained so much strength, knowledge, and support from this group, and my healing is well underway. I would recommend any of Caroline’s courses or groups to anyone seeking support for Narcissistic abuse, domestic violence etc.”



You Are Not Alone

Top FAQs Asked By Students

I’m not sure if I’m in the right place to do this yet.

I built this programme with both a beginner and a healer-in-progress in mind. Regardless of where you are in your journey, this course can impact your understanding of yourself and help you heal from narcissistic trauma.

I’m not separated from the narcissist yet. Can I still join this programme?

YES. One of the fundamental evolutions of your healing journey is understanding WHY you are with a narcissist (or perhaps, why you keep finding your way back) and how to recognize narcissistic behavior and reframe your mindset.

The narcissist in my life is a parent. Will this programme still help me?

I built this programme with every shape, size, and type of narcissist in mind. Wife. Husband. He. She. They. Mom. Dad. You name it. This programme can be applied to ANYONE with narcissistic tendencies in their life that are preventing them from healing and thriving.

Is there a timeframe I have to complete this programme within?

You’ll have lifetime, 24/7 access to the course materials and membership in this programme. I understand that life is busy and healing isn’t always linear, so you can progress through this course at your own pace.

I’m worried that this programme will make me feel worse than I already do.

I have been in your shoes. I see you, and I hear you. This is exactly why I designed the first lesson in the programme to focus on providing you with the resources and tools to manage your activation and keep you safe throughout your entire healing journey. Your safety is my number one priority.

How do I access the course materials and membership?

You’ll receive an email immediately after purchase with your personal login information for the Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme portal. Plus a link to join the exclusive membership.

What if I change my mind? Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, because you receive immediate access to the program after purchase, I can’t issue a refund.

Do I have to watch all the Action Labs and complete every workbook?

I advise that you complete all videos and action labs in order for your personal safety. Each lesson is designed to unlock only once you have completed the previous lesson. I also encourage you to complete the workbooks, but understand that everyone learns differently, which is why the course is structured to serve all learning styles. Choose the method that works best for you!

Why should I choose THIS programme?

I created the Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme after experiencing narcissistic abuse and trauma myself. I know what you’ve been through and what you’re still going through. That, alongside my professional experience in neuroscience and the trauma-informed coaching space, is what makes this programme unique and deeply effective.

The integration of cognitive and somatic therapies with coaching and community means you can heal the root cause of your trauma rather than simply managing symptoms.

This programme is also CPD Accredited. CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development, and this accreditation recognises that the material you’ll receive is of the highest quality and will help you to develop knowledge and advance your skills. You will also receive a certificate upon completion of the programme.

I See You. I Hear You. I Believe You.
Because I’ve Walked In Your Shoes

“Once I could not even look in the mirror, that I was using the corner of a toothpaste tube to make my legs bleed, that I had not wanted to leave the house, that I wore grey tracksuits and wore my hair in a ponytail, to having a huge amount of debt, to having my home repossessed and taken away, to feeling like there was no way out of a long dark tunnel emotionally, physically, mentally and financially to right here, right now.”

“Happier, thriving, flourishing, financially independent, and on a mission to change the perception of divorce and being a single mum by empowering and coaching other women all around the world.”

Hello, I’m Caroline Strawson

A multi-award winning ICF Accredited Trauma-Informed Therapist & Coach and founder of The ICF and CPD Accredited School of Embodied Trauma Informed Living .

I have been right where you are now, having suffered from complex PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and self-harm with debts of over $85,000 and having my home repossessed.

I know firsthand what it is like to hit ROCK BOTTOM.

I experienced some very dark days where I felt judged, alone, and isolated. Days that have made me determined to stop other women from feeling like this for as long as I did.

Those experiences with narcissistic abuse and trauma inspired me to take this path to help women around the world heal their own trauma, find meaning in their stories, and awaken their potential to live a life of joy, connection, and LOVE.

I used that experience, combined with my professional experience as a Trauma-Informed Positive Psychology Coach and Somatic Therapist, and my background in neuroscience to create my Narcissistic Trauma Unlocking® technique.

Why Should You Listen To Me?

I don’t want anyone else to suffer the pain I did, for as long as I did.

Over the years, I’ve worked hard to educate myself in this space to ensure that I can help more sufferers of abuse and trauma to heal deeply.

In that time, I’ve achieved the following qualifications and certifications that allow me to do this:

Don’t Let This Black Friday Special Offer Slip Away – You Deserve This!

Unlock Lifetime Access To The Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Programme Before Time Runs Out!

I Am Lovable Everything I Ever Wanted To Be Enough Whole Healing Going To Find Love Again Capable Of Loving Myself To The Fullest Safe Rooted In Purpose In Power Unapologetically Myself Loved More Than I Thought Possible In Control Of My Life Open To New Relationships And Opportunities No Longer Afraid Lovable Overwhelmed With Love

2023 © Caroline Strawson – All Rights Reserved